Form Preview

C - Seminar/Discussion

  • Rating Scale

    1. Excellent
    2. Very Good
    3. Good
    4. Fair
    5. Poor
    6. Very Poor
    1. 1.   The course as a whole was:
    2. 2.   The course content was:
    3. 3.   The instructor's contribution to the course was:
    4. 4.   The instructor's effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was:
    5. 5.   Course organization was:
    6. 6.   Instructor's preparation for class was:
    7. 7.   Instructor as a discussion leader was:
    8. 8.   Instructor's contribution to discussion was:
    9. 9.   Conduciveness of class atmosphere to student learning was:
    10. 10.   Quality of questions or problems raised was:
    11. 11.   Student confidence in instructor's knowledge was:
    12. 12.   Instructor's enthusiasm was:
    13. 13.   Encouragement given students to express themselves was:
    14. 14.   Instructor's openness to student views was:
    15. 15.   Interest level of class sessions was:
    16. 16.   Use of class time was:
    17. 17.   Instructor's interest in whether students learned was:
    18. 18.   Amount you learned in the course was:
    19. 19.   Relevance and usefulness of course content were:
    20. 20.   Evaluative and grading techniques (tests, papers, projects, etc.) were:
    21. 21.   Reasonableness of assigned work was:
    22. 22.   Clarity of student responsibilities and requirements was:
  • Rating Scale

    1. Much Higher

    2. (6)

    3. (5)
    4. Average

    5. (3)

    6. (2)
    7. Much Lower

    Relative to other college courses you have taken:

    1. 1.   Do you expect your grade in this course to be:
    2. 2.   The intellectual challenge presented was:
    3. 3.   The amount of effort you put into this course was:
    4. 4.   The amount of effort to succeed in this course was:
    5. 5.   Your involvement in course (doing assignments, attending classes, etc.) was:
  • Rating Scale

    1. 1.   On average, how many hours per week have you spent on this course, including attending classes, doing readings, reviewing notes, writing papers and any other course related work?
    2. 2.   From the total average hours above, how many do you consider were valuable in advancing your education?
  • Rating Scale

    1. 1.   What grade do you expect in this course?
  • Rating Scale

    1. 1.   In regard to your academic program, is this course best described as:
  • Comment Items

    1. 1.   Was this class intellectually stimulating? Did it stretch your thinking? Why or why not?
    2. 2.   What aspects of this class contributed most to your learning?
    3. 3.   What aspects of this class detracted from your learning?
    4. 4.   What suggestions do you have for improving the class?