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Number of Students in Undergraduate Majors: Winter 2025 (Census)

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About this report:

Students with multiple majors are counted once in each, so summing across majors may double-count individual students.

Census counts are taken at the end of the last day that students can add a full-semester class without a special permit (the end of the 1st week for fall and winter; around July 1 for Spring/Summer). End of term counts are provided (once available) to provide information on students who may have changed majors during the term and those who enrolled only in late-starting sessions.

Race/Ethnicity categories shown are defined by the reporting standard used by the US Federal government. For details, see US Dept of Ed Guidance on Collecting, Maintaining and Reporting Data by Race or Ethnicity.

Related reports:

Archive of older "Enrollment by Major" reports

Enrollment Table Generator (requires GVSU login)