Enrollment data summaries - Glossary

These enrollment data summaries provide aggregate information on GVSU enrollees by program (level, college, major. minor, or emphasis).

The reports present 5 years' data (where available), and are updated once per year in the fall (typically September). Most of the data presented here (unless otherwise specified) are from fall census counts.

These data are duplicative by program, meaning that a student who is in more than one program will be counted once in each applicable program. In practical terms, this means that no individual student is double-counted within a single report, but adding figures from more than one report could result in sums that are greater than the actual number of students enrolled. For example: an undergraduate student majoring in Management and Finance would be counted once in each of the following reports:

However, if you added the total headcounts for all of majors in Seidman College of Business, you would end up counting this student twice (along with any other double-majors), and arrive at a number that is higher than the actual count (which apears in the college report).

Demographic and performance data are suppressed for populations with 4 or fewer individuals, in order to protect individual confidentiality.